While we may be spending less time in our gardens during the winter months, they still require some TLC to ensure they thrive during the summer. Here’s what you should be doing in your garden this month.
July is the month of pruning. Prune roses towards the end of July/ beginning of August. Treat the bare stems with insecticide to kill any unwanted insect eggs. Feed roses with plant food and tip up the mulch. Remember to water weekly, early in the morning.
Fruit trees, bushes and vines must be pruned early in July during their dormant season. Trim and cut back woody bits on autumn flowering climbers.
The month of July is the coldest month of our winter season and is known to bring early morning frost. Ensure you cover tender plants from the frost by using a frost cover. The frost cover protects plants from the frost while ensuring sufficient light is filtered through and the correct moisture balance for optimum growth.
While you may think plants don’t need watering during winter because they are not subject to scorching hot temperatures, this is untrue. Your garden still needs water, which should be done early in the morning to allow the soil to dry out slightly and warm up before the evenings.
Your garden may be looking slightly lifeless this time of year, so if you are feeling like bringing some life into it you can plant colourful winter flowers to fill up gaps in the garden bed or plant them in hanging baskets or pots to bring life back into your garden. You can consider Viola, Pansy, Primula, Primrose, Petunia, or Snapdragons to plant during this month. Remember to remove any dead buds to encourage continuous flowering.
July is also the best time to plant and transplant rose bushes and deciduous trees (like maples and birches). Doing it now will give them enough time to settle.
Winter is also the perfect time to plant new deciduous fruit trees (apple, pear, peach, plums) and get them settled in time to bear fruit in the upcoming season.
Remember to attend to your garden in winter to reap the rewards in spring (which is fast approaching.