How to Clean Indoor Plants | General

Indoor plants have become a trend in our homes and while some of us have resorted to the synthetic kind because we can’t seem to keep them alive, they still require some TLC to ensure they look healthy and as authentic as possible. For those of you who manage to keep your indoor plants alive and thriving, please share your secret. Apart from caring for your plants with water and sunlight keeping them clean is important for both authentic and synthetic plants, and we are here to share some basic tips on how to keep your indoor plants clean and healthy.


Before you start, you’ll need 3 things, scissors (for authentic plants), soft bristle paint brush or a microfiber cloth, and a large bowl. If you have synthetic plants, you will skip step one and go on to step two.


Step one – remove dead leaves. With your scissors remove any dry or dead leaves cutting as close to the stem as possible.  Not only does this improve the appearance of the plant, but by removing the dead leaves you free up nutrients to encourage new growth, as the dry leaves leach nutrients from the plant that could be better used elsewhere. Cutting off the dry leaves also prevents the spread of disease or pests.


Step two – clean the dust. Using your brush or cloth, brush away any dust on the leaves. Make sure you hold the leaves firmly to ensure no damage. If you have never done this before, be prepared to see a great deal of dust that has gathered over the years. However, consistency is key, and if you do this regularly there will be far less dust going forward. 


Step three – rinse the leaves. Fill the bowl with lukewarm water without any detergents. Lukewarm water is key as water that is either too hot or too cold can shock the plant and cause dame to the leaves. Even with synthetic plants water should not be hot to ensure you do not damage the plants appearance. Gently submerge the whole leaf in the bowl and let it soak for a few seconds. The water washes off any remaining dust and will drown any parasites that may be living on the plant.


Remember to take care of those plants .